
Press area

Available downloads for the 2024 edition

Press release - GPHG 2024 Official nominations and world tour

Press release - Entries now open !

Press release - New features of the GPHG 24th edition

Press release - GPHG ceremony Wednesday 13 November 2024


HD pictures of the Nominated timepieces 2024 (3.2Go)

Available downloads for the 2023 edition

Press release - After Dubai, the GPHG 2023 prize-winning timepieces are on show at the Kunsthaus in Zurich

Press release - 2023 ceremony

Press release - Three days to go…Join us live for the awards ceremony!

Press release - Geneva celebrates watchmaking at the Musée Rath From 26 October to 12 November 2023

Press release - The GPHG visits New York for the second time with Watches of Switzerland

Press release - Watchmaking challenge: A Swiss watch assembled at 30,000 ft of altitude between Geneva and New York

Press release - A notable first exhibition in Malaysia

Press release - The exhibition of nominated watches has won over Macao and Hong Kong

Press release - Discover the 2023 GPHG Jury chaired by Nick Foulkes

Press release - GPHG 2023 Nominations and world tour

Press release - GPHG 2023 – Open for entries!

Press release - Curtains up on the members of the GPHG 2023 Academy. A resolutely youth-oriented cohort

Press release - Upcoming GPHG ceremony, 9 November 2023


Official photos (HD) - Ceremony

Photos (HD) of winning watches (1.7Go)

HD pictures of the Nominated timepieces 2023 (5.5Go)

Available downloads for the 2022 edition

Press release - A first for the GPHG in New York

Press release - 2022 ceremony

Press release - The GPHG Awards Ceremony is almost here! Join us live from 6.30 pm on Thursday 10 November

Press release - Contemporary timepieces and exceptional historical clocks on view at the Musée Rath in Geneva 

Press release - A first for the GPHG on the African continent

Press release - Watches nominated by the GPHG Academy on show in India

Press release - Announcement of the composition of the 2022 GPHG Jury and its President

Press release - Check out the Academy's nominees

Press release - GPHG 2022 - Open for entries!

Press release - GPHG – What’s new in 2022

Press release - The GPHG Academy, a success story!

Press release - Save the date - 10 November 2022, GPHG Awards Ceremony


Official photos (HD) - Ceremony

Photos (HD) of winning watches (2Go)

HD pictures of the Nominated timepieces 2022 (4Go)

Available downloads for the 2021 edition

Press release - 2021 GPHG winners on show in Paris

Press release - GPHG winners at Dubai Watch Week 2021

Press release – 2021 ceremony

Press release - J–3 See you as of 6.30pm on Thursday November 4 to discover the winners of the GPHG 2021

Press release - Twenty years – 20 “Aiguilles d’Or” Grand Prix winners and 84 finalists on show in Geneva

Press release - Finalists of the GPHG’s 2021 edition on show in St. Petersburg

Press release - An exceptional Jury for the 2021 edition of the GPHG

Press release - The GPHG celebrates its 20th anniversary with exceptional exhibitions!

Press release - Check out the 2021 official nominations

Press release - Nick Foulkes appointed President of the GPHG Jury

Press release - The 2021 edition is open for entries

Eröffnung der Anmeldungen 2021

Press release - Launch of the 2021 edition of the GPHG

Press release - Discover the 2021 member list of the GPHG Academy


Official photos (HD)

Photos (HD) of winning watches (2Go)

HD pictures of the preselected watches 2021 (4.3Go)

Available downloads for the 2020 edition

Press release - 2020 ceremony

Press release - Geneva’s Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (MAH) hosts the 84 watches nominated for 2020 by the GPHG Academy

Press release - Bucherer Zurich hosts the GPHG 2020 roadshow

Press release - A major first in Bern. GPHG watches on show at the Bellevue Palace hotel for three days.

Press release - First exhibition in La Chaux-de-Fonds

Press release - A “Swissified” roadshow and jury for the 2020 edition

Press release - 2020 nominations list - Check out the watches nominated by the new GPHG Academy

Press release - Through its “CI EXCLUSIVE PROPERTIES” division, the COMPTOIR IMMOBILIER strengthens its commitment to the GRAND PRIX D'HORLOGERIE DE GENÈVE (GPHG)

Press release - Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève 2020 - Open for entries

Press release - Discover the 2020 member list of the new GPHG International Academy


Official photos (HD)

Photos (HD) of winning watches (1Go)

HD pictures of the preselected watches 2020 (4Go)

Available downloads for the 2019 edition

Press release - The GPHG presents its project for an international watch industry Academy within the setting of the Dubai Watch Week

Press release – 2019 ceremony

Press release - Three days to go before the 19th Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève announces its roster of prize-winners

Press release - Fifth stage of the 2019 roadshow. The GPHG is staging a multi-facetted exhibition at the MAH, dedicated to the art of watchmaking

Press release - GPHG 2019 on show in Puebla, fourth stage in the 2019 roadshow

Press release - The GPHG creates a sensation in Mexico, third stage of its 2019 roadshow

Press release - Bangkok, second stopover for the 2019 GPHG roadshow

Press release - GPHG 2019 - Pre-selected watches on show in Australia

Press release - GPHG 2019 – Check out the official pre-selection

Press release - Australia, Asia, Latin America, Middle East and of course Geneva...

Press release - The GPHG 2019 inaugurates new categories to meet watch industry trends witnessed since the start of the year.

Press release - The 2019 edition gets under way


Official photos (HD)

Photos HD - 2019 ceremony atmosphere

Photos (HD) - 2019 cocktail

Photos (HD) of winning watches (1.4Go)

HD pictures of the preselected watches 2019 (6Go)


Available downloads for the 2018 edition

Press release – 2018 ceremony

Press release - J-3 The 2018 GPHG ceremony is set to be vibrant and connected

Press release - 2018 GRAND PRIX D’HORLOGERIE DE GENEVE Genève, fourth and last stage of the Roadshow

Press release - 2018 GRAND PRIX D’HORLOGERIE DE GENEVE Singapore, third stopover for the Roadshow

Press release - 2018 GRAND PRIX D’HORLOGERIE DE GENEVE Hong Kong, second stopover for the Roadshow

Press release - GPHG 2018 showcase at the Venetian Arsenal in partnership with BMW Italy (EN)

Press release - Il GPHG 2018 espone all’Arsenale di Venezia in collaborazione con BMW Italia (IT)

Press release - official preselection 2018 (EN)

Press release - official preselection 2018 (DE)

Press release - Launch of the 18th edition

Press release - Raymond Loretan, new President of the Foundation of the Grand Prix d’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG)


Official photos (HD)

Photos HD - 2018 ceremony atmosphere

Photos HD - 2018 ceremony backstage

Photos HD - cocktail and gala dinner 2018

Photos (HD) of winning watches (1.2Go)

HD pictures of the preselected watches 2018 (2.6Go)

Photos HD - Exhibition in Singapore

Photos HD - Exhibition in Venice

Photos HD - Exhibition in Geneva


Available downloads for the 2017 edition

Official photos (HD)

Photos (HD) of winning watches (450 Mo)

Press release - 2017 ceremony

Photos HD - 2017 ceremony atmosphere

Photos HD - 2017 ceremony backstage

Photos HD - 2017 cocktail


HD pictures of the preselected watches 2017 (1.5Go)

Press release - official preselection 2017

Press release - Opening cocktail in Milan

Press release - Opening cocktail in Geneva

Photos HD - Opening cocktail in Geneva

Photos HD - Exhibition in Dubai

Photos HD - Exhibition in Taipei

Photos HD - Exhibition in Mexico

Photos HD - Exhibition in Milan


Available downloads for the 2016 edition

Official photos (HD) 2016

Photos (HD) of winning watches 2016 (300 Mo)   

Press release - 2016 ceremony

Photos HD - 2016 ceremony atmosphere   

Photos HD - 2016 ceremony backstage

Photos HD - cocktail 2016


HD pictures of the pre-selected watches 2016 (1.2Go)

Press release - official pre-selection 2016

Press release - Opening cocktail in Rome

Photos HD - Opening cocktail in Rome

Press release - Opening cocktail and press conference in Geneva

Photos HD - Opening cocktail and press conference in Geneva

HD pictures of the Séoul exhibition


Available downloads for the 2015 edition

Official photos (HD) of the ceremony

Photos (HD) of winning watches 2015 (250Mo)

Press release - 2015 ceremony

Photos HD - 2015 ceremony atmosphere

Photos HD - 2015 ceremony backstage

Photos HD - cocktail 2015


HD pictures of the pre-selected watches 2015 (1.2Go)

Press release - The GPHG jointly launches the first Dubai Watch Week

Press release - official pre-selection 2015

HD pictures of the Geneva exhibition

HD pictures of the Hong Kong exhibition   

HD pictures of the Séoul exhibition   

HD pictures of the Dubai exhibition


Available downloads for the 2014 edition

Official photos 2014

Photos HD of winning watches (240Mo)

Press release - 2014 ceremony

Photos HD atmosphere 2014 ceremony

Photos HD backstage 2014 ceremony

Photos HD cocktail 2014


Press release - Official pre-selection GPHG 2014

HD pictures of the pre-selected watches 2014 (1.6Go)

Press release - The 14th edition of the Grand Prix d'Horlogerie de Genève is under way!

HD pictures of the New Delhi exhibition

HD pictures of the Beijing exhibition

HD pictures of the Geneva exhibition

Press release for the Geneva exhibition


Available downloads for the 2013 edition

Official photos 2013

Ceremony Geneva 2013

Backstage Ceremony 2013 Geneva

Cocktail Geneva 2013

Press release - 2013 ceremony

Photos of winning watches (75Mo)

Photos - Geneva exhibition (Cité du Temps)

Press release - Geneva exhibition (Cité du Temps)

Photos of the exhibition in Dubai

Photos of the exhibition in Beijing

Photos of the exhibition in Macau

HD pictures of the pre-selected watches 2013 (530Mo)

Press release - 2013 pre-selection


Available downloads for the 2012 edition

Press release 2012 ceremony

Mood photos 2012

Ceremony photos 2012

Official photos 2012

Winning watches (19Mo)

Nominated watches (51Mo)

High definition pictures of the preselected watches (429Mo)



Press Manager   
Aude Campanelli   
T. +41 (0)78 637 16 91   